Terms and conditions

Privacy policy - IG Nachosol

Privacy policy

The Privacy Policy is part of that govern this Website. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

You can contact us in any way to communicate with us.

We reserve the right to modify or adapt this Privacy Policy at any time. You are advised to review it, and if you have registered and you access your account or profile, you will be informed of any changes.

If you are one of the following groups, consult the following information:

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Your data will be processed in order to manage your reservation, your stay at the hotel and to guarantee the payment of the expenses resulting from this stay.

Your data will be sent to the Security Forces in compliance with the provisions of current legislation, as well as to the travel agencies or operators involved.

The data will be kept for at least 6 years in compliance with tax, commercial, consumer and travellers’ ledger regulations.

What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis is your consent.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Preparation of the budget and monitoring of it through communications between both parties.
Information by electronic means, concerning your request.
Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided that there is express authorization.

We will contact you to help you with the management of your reservation through the web, if you have included your details and you have not been able to finalise it.
Manage the administrative, communications and logistics services carried out by the person in charge.
Invoicing and declaration of the appropriate taxes.
Carry out the corresponding transactions.
If it is necessary to contact clients for the management of reserved and/or contracted services.
Control and recovery management.
During the payment process via credit card, the following personal data will be collected by the bank that owns the Virtual POS: type of connection, date and time, IP address, device information, email address, cell phone, navigation data, transaction data and data required by 3D Secure security protocols, for the sole purpose of detecting and preventing unauthorized payment transactions.

For what purposes will we process your personal data?
Provided that you have given us your consent, we will send you communications to keep you up to date with our exclusive offers and promotions, news, special dates, destinations, and we will congratulate you on your birthday and other special occasions. We will process your data for the following purposes:

Exclusive offers and promotions
Special dates (Carnival, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, local and international festivals).
Servatur News (New hotels, facilities and services)
Destinations (Activities and places of interest to inspire you and make the most of your stay)
Greetings (Birthdays and other special occasions)
What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?
The acceptance and consent of the person concerned.

You give your consent when you sign up through our data collection forms (booking channel, pre-check-in, captive Wi-Fi registration, etc.), by ticking the check boxes of your preferences.

We remind you that “you can unsubscribe or choose your communication preferences at any time and easily.”

It will always be necessary prior to the communication that the client or User accepts the check box(es) by clicking on the accept button. This will imply that the person has been informed and has expressly given his/her consent to receive commercial and courtesy communications.

At any time, individuals may unsubscribe from commercial and courtesy communications, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Your data as a member of Club Servatur will be processed in order to properly manage the loyalty programme as well as perform publicity and marketing activities in accordance with your indicated preferences. ​

What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis that legitimises the processing is your consent as a data subject. By ticking the corresponding box you consent to the sending of courtesy and commercial communications about products and experiences that may be of interest to you.

For what purposes will we process your personal data?

To assess the degree of quality in the service provided.

To improve the services offered, in compliance with ISO standards.

What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The legal basis is the express, free and voluntary consent of the respondent.

What data do we gather through the Web?
We can process your IP, what operating system or browser you use, and even the length of your visit, anonymously.

If you provide us with information in the contact form, you will identify yourself so as to be contacted, if necessary.

For what purposes will we process your personal data?
Answering your questions, applications or requests.
Managing the requested service, answering your application, or processing your request.
Information by electronic means, which relates to your request.
Commercial or events information by electronic means, provided that there is express authorization.
Performing analysis and improvements on the Web, about our products and services. Improving our commercial strategy.
What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The acceptance and consent of the interested party: In the cases where it is necessary to fill in a form and click on the “submit” button to make a request, completing the form and submitting it will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to the content of the clause annexed to said form or acceptance of the privacy policy.

All our forms show the symbol * when data are obligatory. If you do not complete these fields, or do not tick the acceptance checkbox for the privacy policy, sending the information will not be allowed.The following formula is usually shown: “□I am over 14 and I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”

What data do we collect through the newsletter?
You can subscribe to the Newsletter on the Web, if you provide us with an e-mail address, to which the Newsletter will be sent.

We will only store your e-mail in our database, and then we will send you e-mails periodically, until you request cancellation, or we stop sending e-mails.

You will always have the option to cancel your subscription, in any communication.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Managing the requested service.
Information by electronic means, which relates to your request.
Commercial or events information by electronic means, provided that there is express authorization.
Performing analysis and improvements in mailing, to improve our business strategy.
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
Acceptance and consent of the interested party: In the cases where you subscribe, you must accept by ticking a checkbox and then click on the “submit” button. This will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly granted your consent to receiving the newsletter.

If you do not tick the acceptance checkbox for the privacy policy, sending of the information will not be allowed. The following formula is usually shown: “□ I am over 14 and I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”

For what purposes will we process your personal data?
Answering your questions, applications or requests.
Managing the requested service, answering your application, or processing your request.
Connecting with you and creating a community of followers.
What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?
The acceptance of a contractual relationship in the environment of the social network in question, and in accordance with its Privacy policies.







How long do we keep personal data?
We can only consult or cancel your data in a restricted way as they are part of a specific profile. We will process them as long as you let us do it, being friends or clicking on “I like it”, “continue” or similar buttons.

Any rectification of your data or restriction on information or publications must be made through the configuration of your profile or user on the social network itself.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Information by electronic means, dealing with your application.
Commercial or event information by electronic means, provided that there is express authorization.
Manage the administrative, communications and logistics services carried out by the person in charge.
Carry out the corresponding transactions.
Invoicing and declaration of the appropriate taxes.
Control and recovery management.
What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis is the acceptance of a contractual relationship, or in its absence your consent when contacting us or offering us your products in any way.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
Organization of selection processes for hiring employees.
Giving you an appointment for job interviews and assessing you as a candidate.
If you have given us your consent, we can pass it on to collaborating companies or similar, with the only purpose of helping you find a job.
How long do we keep personal data?
You are also informed that we will destroy your CV safely after a year has gone by since it was received.

What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis is your explicit consent, when you send us your CV.

No. As a general rule we only process data sent by their owners. If you supply us with third-party data, before you do so you must inform such third party and ask for its consent; otherwise, you hold us harmless for noncompliance with this requirement.

And children’s data?
We do not process data about children under 14 years of age. Therefore, please refrain from supplying such data if you are not that age or, as the case may be, from supplying data about third parties who are not that age. SERVATUR declines any responsibility for noncompliance with this provision.

Do we make electronic communications?
They are made only to deal with your application if electronic communication is one of the means of communication you have supplied us with.

If we make any commercial communications, it will be because they have been previously and expressly authorized by you.

What security measures do we apply?
You can keep your mind at rest: We have adopted an optimal level of protection for the Personal Data that we handle, and we have installed all the means and technical measures at our disposal according to the state of technology to avoid personal data loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft.

Who will your data be transferred to?
Your data will not be transferred to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation to do so. Specifically, your data will be communicated to the Inland Revenue and to banks and financial entities for collection for the service provided or product acquired and to those in charge of data processing, as necessary to perform the agreement.

In the event of purchase or payment, if you choose an application, platform, bank card, or another on-line service, your data will be transferred to that platform or will be processed in its environment, always with the utmost security. During the payment process by credit card, data will be collected by the bank that owns the Virtual POS.

When we let them know, the web development and maintenance company, or the hosting company, will have access to our web. These companies will have signed a service provision agreement that obliges them to uphold the same privacy standards as we do.

Any international transfer of data will be made to entities that comply with European data protection policies on privacy.

Your rights
To know if we are processing your data or not.
To access your personal data.
To request rectification of your data if they are wrong.
To request suppression of your data if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if you withdraw the consent you gave us.
To request limited processing of your data, in certain situations, in which case we will keep them only in accordance with the regulations in force.
To port your data, which you will be supplied with in a structured, commonly used or mechanical reading form. If you prefer, we can send them to the new manager you designate. This is valid only in certain cases.
To file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or competent control authority, if you feel that we have not treated you properly.
To withdraw your consent for any processing for which you gave your consent, at any time.
If any of your data changes, we will be grateful if you let us know, so as to keep them updated.

Would you like a form to exercise your rights?
We have forms for you to exercise your rights. You can apply for them by e-mail or if you prefer you can use the forms prepared by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties.

These forms must be electronically signed or accompanied with photocopy of your ID document. If someone represents you, you must attach copy of their ID document, or they must sign with their electronic signature.

Forms can be submitted in person at or sent by letter or by mail to the address of the person in charge indicated at the beginning of this text.

How long do we take to reply to the exercise of your rights?
It depends on the right, but at the most a month after your request and two months if the issue is very Complex and we notify you that we need more time.

Do we process cookies?
If we use cookies that are not the necessary ones, you may consult the cookies policy on the relevant link from our web home.

How long do we keep your personal data?
Your personal data are kept for as long as you have a relation with us. Once that relation is terminated, the personal data processed for each purpose will be kept for the legally established periods, including the period within which a judge or a court may request them, the lapse period for legal actions being taken into account.

Processed data will be kept for as long as the legal deadlines referred to above do not expire, if there is a legal obligation to keep them, or, if there is no legal deadline, until the interested party requests to have such data suppressed or the consent given by such interested party is withdrawn.

We will keep all information and communications about your purchase or the provision of our service for as long as the guarantees over products or services are valid, so as to deal with possible claims.